On the 16th of September, 16 very dedicated people set off on a run challenge for 5 English miles as part of the yearly Dam 2 Dam running event in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. With the help of the runners and their friends and relatives we were able to raise €5,000 (!!!) and re-open the school in the Banan village for 100 happy kids!!! We are so grateful not only for your generous donations but for the great spirit of people who keep supporting us! Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts! And we should aim for 10 Miles next year – at least we will be working hard on both organizing a run for our awesome supporters but also helping more kids which are waiting eagerly to have a chance to join the school. If you don’t want to wait for a run you can always help a kid now with getting education: we have a brand new donation page and 200 kids who are waiting for a chance to go to school 🙂